Hope for Africa: Trade and Investment Summit Sets to Forge Stronger Partnerships in Atlanta, Georgia

Hope for Africa: Trade and Investment Summit Sets to Forge Stronger Partnerships in Atlanta, Georgia

The immense potential that lies within the African continent, especially in the power of innovation, technology and collaboration to shape a brighter future for Africa necessitated convening the highly anticipated “Hope for Africa: Trade and Investment Summit/Conference and Exhibition,” scheduled to take place from September 9-13, 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States Of America by the Pan African American Chamber Of Commerce

This landmark event aims to foster economic growth and development across the African continent by facilitating strategic partnerships, promoting investment opportunities, and showcasing the diverse potential of African industries, said Prof Toks Onabanjo, Chairman of the Pan African American Chamber Of Commerce at a press conference held at it’s Nigeria Office in Lagos on Friday, 3rd May, 2024.

Organized by the Pan African Chamber of Commerce with various governmental and non-governmental stakeholders attending the Conference and Exhibition, the trade summit seeks to harness the collective expertise and resources of international investors, business leaders, policymakers, and civil society representatives to attract investment and development through partnerships to Africa.

“We believe that Africa holds immense promise and potential for sustainable economic advancement,” stated Prof Toks Onabanjo, “The ‘Hope for Africa’ summit serves as a catalyst for transformative change, offering a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and innovation to unlock new avenues of prosperity and progress.”

The five-day summit will feature a diverse range of activities, including high-level panel discussions, industry-specific workshops, networking sessions and an expansive exhibition showcasing Africa’s key sectors such as Agriculture, Manufacturing, Mining, Technology (artificial intelligence), Renewable energy, Health, Infrastructural Development, Healthcare,Transportation, Telecommunications and Tourism.

“We are committed to fostering inclusive and sustainable development in Africa through strategic partnerships and investment, local governments, agencies, civil society and corporate organisations have signed up for the event” affirmed Engr Bola Babarinde, Project Champion and Ambassador

Engr Bola Babarinde further informed the press that the project is being taken to the grassroots especially at the local government level to showcase potentials in their communities which will attract investors for development at the grassroots.

“We have representation across Africa and by bringing together stakeholders from across the continent, we aim to catalyze growth and development in these countries and the entire continent.” said Otunba Niyi Dada, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the organisation.

Prof Toks Onabanjo who was State Director of Computer Services during the transformative tenure of President Bola Tinubu as Governor of Lagos narrated how he significantly helped to implement 15 Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) modules that played a vital role in launching Lagos State as the economic fulcrum of Nigeria through automating and streamlining critical financial and administrative processes that laid the foundation for efficient governance and economic growth through better financial management, increased transparency, and improved decision-making.

“Through the global computerization of Lagos State, we showcased the immense potential for technology-driven advancement and economic transformation in Africa. It served as a sprint board for the state and inspired other states and countries to invest in technologies.”

“Investing in AI has the power to empower the economy and governance of Africa. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, Africa can achieve remarkable progress and surpass the achievements of the global computerization of Lagos State. The integration of AI technologies will enable African nations to leverage automation, data analytics, and intelligent decision-making to drive economic growth, enhance governance, and address pressing challenges. There is definitely hope for Africa, as we embrace the potential of AI and other emerging technologies” Prof Toks Onabanjo said.

The summit will also provide a unique opportunity for participants to engage with African entrepreneurs, startups, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), driving innovation and entrepreneurship as engines of growth.

“We are excited to showcase Africa’s entrepreneurial spirit and creativity through our product on the global stage,” remarked Engr Adeyombo, Founder of DOT Solutions. “Through collaboration and knowledge-sharing, we can harness the power of technology and innovation to address pressing challenges and unlock new opportunities in logistics subsector in transportation for socio-economic advancement.”

As Africa continues on its path of transformation and renewal, the “Hope for Africa” Conference and Exhibition represents a pivotal moment to chart a course towards a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future for the continent and its people.

The event promises to be an unprecedented gathering of thought leaders, innovators, and policymakers, the “Hope for Africa” Conference and Exhibition is poised to catalyze a new era of progress and prosperity across the African continent.

The Atlanta, Georgia conference will not only convene renowned experts, government officials and business leaders to engage in dynamic discussions, share insights and forge partnerships aimed at addressing the most pressing challenges facing Africa.

It’s accompanying exhibition will also feature and showcase cutting-edge technologies, sustainable products and impactful projects from across the continent, offering attendees the opportunity to connect with innovators, investors and explore practical solutions to Africa’s most pressing challenges.

“We believe that Africa’s brightest days lie ahead, and the ‘Hope for Africa’ Conference and Exhibition serves as a platform to harness the collective energy and ingenuity of our continent,” said Prof Toks Onabanjo “By fostering collaboration, driving innovation and inspiring action, we can build a brighter, more prosperous future for Africa.

– Bello Akinkunmi Yakub.

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